The Magis Exchange Program is an initiative of the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) that embodies the values of academic excellence, generosity, and social and environmental justice. Since its launch in 2019, the program has expanded from 28 to 39 participating institutions, promoting international and service experiences.
Read moreThe WOMEN Network is one of the three strategic projects on which the Latin American IAJES Taskforce will focus its efforts during the following years. The objectives and actions will be framed under six dimensions: Formation, Mentoring, Mobility, Best Practices, Strategic Alliances, and Communications.
Read moreThe recent gathering of the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) Board members at the General Curia in Rome, on March 25-26, 2024, marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing deliberations on the promotion of Jesuit Identity and Mission of Jesuit higher education institutions worldwide. With representatives from all regional networks, the meeting delved into crucial topics ranging from strategic planning to the promotion of Jesuit values in a rapidly changing world.
Read moreThis meeting in the capital of Seville, just one year after the general meeting of rectors and directors of the UNIJES university network, various initiatives and strategic projects were discussed.
Read moreNew conceptualizations such as "post-secularism" or "multiple secularities" have appeared in the academy, seeking to provide new approaches to understanding phenomena as diverse as the withdrawal of religion from the public sphere, the privatization of religion, the emergence of new forms of spirituality, fundamentalist violence, the emergence of more charismatic ways of experiencing religion, the decline in the communitarian and institutional practice or religious affiliation.
Read moreLast winter, students from Santa Clara University had the opportunity to visit the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) as part of an immersion program from the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education that focused on Accompaniment and Intentional Communities in Quito, Ecuador.
Read moreThe International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools (IAJES) is a worldwide network aimed at promoting a new generation of engineers, scientist and researchers who seek a more humane and just world using technology and innovation under the guiding principles of the Society of Jesus.
Read moreWe're excited to announce the "Making Hope Possible" conference, hosted by the Lassalle-Institut, Switzerland, from August 25-29, 2024. This event brings together engaged scholars and reflective practitioners to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and global injustice through transdisciplinary collaboration.
Read moreDurante la primera semana de diciembre, tuvo lugar el X Encuentro de las Facultades de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de las Universidades Jesuitas de Centroamérica con ESADE; siendo sede del mismo en esta ocasión, la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas de El Salvador (UCA)
Read moreIn 2016, the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities put in motion the Mission Priority Examen (MPE) as a self-study and peer review process for reaffirming the Jesuit, Catholic mission of Jesuit colleges and universities.
Read moreAdvantere School of Management was born and exists as a collaborative project promoted by Pontifical University Comillas and University of Deusto, with the collaboration of Georgetown University as a strategic academic partner.
Read moreFaculty members from North American Universities are active participants in the task forces in the International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools(IAJES). Four of the task forces are led by faculty from North America including Gail Baura from Loyola University Chicago, Allan Baez Morales from Santa Clara University, Aleksandar Zecevic from Santa Clara University and Bryan Ranger from Boston College who heads the Healthcare task force.
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