4th International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools (IAJES) Summit
Author:Organizing Committee of the Summit.
2024 IAJES Summit: Perspective for an Improved Global Future.
XIM University, Bhubaneswar, India. July 10-12-2024
The International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools (IAJES) is a worldwide network aimed at promoting a new generation of engineers, scientist and researchers who seek a more humane and just world using technology and innovation under the guiding principles of the Society of Jesus.
The first meeting of the new era of the Association was held in Bilbao, Spain, in 2018. Those who attended were very enthusiastic about the possibilities that the network can provide and started working in its consolidation and growth.
After Bilbao, the network has met two more times. Once in Cali, in Colombia, in 2019 and another in Boston, in the U.S.A., in 2022. Every meeting has forged a more cohesive group, willing to collaborate, grow, and unite their efforts to work together.
This pivotal gathering in XIM University is dedicated to the profound exploration and refinement of the IAJES identity, vision, organizational structure, priorities, and collaborative methodologies within the expansive network. Delving deeper into our organizational framework, we aim to articulate a clear roadmap, ensuring that our trajectory remains harmoniously synchronized with the overarching goals of the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU).
At the forefront of our discussions lies a conscientious consideration of the pressing global "emergencies" confronting the world. Searching into the realm of integral ecology and artificial intelligence, we aim to foster a shared understanding among IAJES members regarding a common goal.
Within the esteemed halls of XIM University, a dynamic discourse is set to unfold, resonating with the shared aspirations that have been articulated through the powerful lens of the 4 Universal Apostolic Preferences.
At the heart of our concerted efforts lie the main drivers for transformative action our task forces and projects. As we come together at this event, the joy of collective gathering is amplified by the synergistic blend of our diverse expertise and shared determination.
Over the course of the three days that encapsulate our summit, a triad of thematic dimensions Inspiration, Reflection, and Action will guide our deliberations. Also, a new IAJES board will be elected, a pivotal goal on the horizon that will shape the course of our organization.
Our modern life depends on science and engineering to fulfill many needs. Working together as engineers and scientist, sharing knowledge, good practices and engaging in joint research is necessary to take advantage of our common principles and aspirations as part of the Jesuit Universities facilitating the collaboration among our engineering schools.
For these reasons, all our engineering schools are invited to actively participate at the 2024 IAJES Summit at XIM University in India.
For the complete information, please visit: https://xim.edu.in/iajes-summit
The Organizing Committee