Jesuit Universities Working for Peace and Reconciliation: News from the IAJU Task Force

The IAJU Task Force for Peace and Reconciliation (TFPR) efforts are directed primarily at IAJU member institutions and their interactions with and in the non-academic world. Various initiatives are taken on by TFPR and organised according to the Conferences of Provincials.

(a) Within JesPRI (Jesuit Peace and Reconciliation Institutions), we identify concrete context-situated practices and initiatives of IAJU members (projects, centres, programs) on peace and reconciliation in their transdisciplinary challenges and at all levels of university endeavours (research, teaching, service to society). We are also looking for possibilities for interinstitutional and international collaborations.

(b) Within the worldwide network of ReconciliaNet, we encourage alliances between IAJU member institutions and other organisations, centres, and projects on peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. We look for best practices to present and share at webinars and emphasise the service IAJU members can offer to existing centres and projects.

(c)We explore the specific contributions Ignatian approaches (spirituality, organisation and leadership, networking) can bring to international peace studies and efforts. To that end, we propose the idea of Ignatian Reconciliation as a crucial element of the Society of Jesus’ mission and its efforts at common discernment and apostolic planning in the four UAPs.

(d)At the service of our networking, we are constructing a database called GeoVisor. The Javeriana University of Cali has helped us set it up and hosted it as a world map. It is now hsoted at Jesuit General Curia server. Currently, the database contains 69 entries focusing on diverse reconciliation practices. It is ordered along the Conferences of Provincials: JCCUS (Canada and the United States) – 18; CPAL (Latin America and the Caribbean) – 32; JCEP (Europe) – 7; JCAM (Africa and Madagascar) – 4; JCAP (Asia Pacific) – 5; JCSA (South Asia) – 3.

The initiatives in the database are very diverse and wide-ranging. We find academic centres and their publications, pedagogical programs and courses, and concrete projects in particular contexts. The perspectives on reconciliation are multiple: ethics, psychology, conflict transformation and resolution, incarceration and prisons, refugees and migrants, social change, environment, sustainability, common good, restorative justice, abuse and safeguarding, history and memory, poverty, racism, gender, leadership, human rights, mediation, advocacy, citizenship, interreligious and intercultural encounters, indigenous people, advocacy, art, (Ignatian) spirituality and discernment, conflict studies, …

The initiatives introduced in the database are only the tip of the iceberg. We plan to develop the database further. We hope readers will signal initiatives that should be incorporated into the database. Please feed the database by contacting Elías López Pérez SJ ([email protected]) or Jacques Haers SJ ([email protected]).

Have a Look at the GeoVisor to Explore the Initiaves for Peace and Reconciliation all Over the World
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