Meeting of Rectors and General Directors of Spanish Jesuit universities

By UNIJES Communications Team.
*Orginal article in Spanish. Translated using AI
The new delegate and president of UNIJES-Universidades Jesuitas, Ana García Mina, presided over the meeting of rectors and general directors of the universities and centers of the Society of Jesus in Spain at the Seville Campus of Loyola University. At this meeting in the capital of Seville, just one year after the general meeting of rectors and directors of the UNIJES university network, various initiatives and strategic projects were discussed.
In this regard, new advances were made in the promotion of the Reference Research Centers, such as the Migration Observatory, or the new Development Center promoted by Loyola University, whose rector, Fabio Gómez-Estern, presented the current situation and the next steps to follow for its constitution, as well as the objectives, possible thematic agenda and organizational mode to promote research networking of the various university centers, and also in collaboration with the social sector of the Society in Spain.
It is worth mentioning the presentation of the report of the president of the Identity and Mission Commission, Ildefonso Camacho SJ, who ended his mandate after many years of service to the Jesuit university mission, both in the first Council of Unijes and in one of the main areas of activity and projects of UNIJES - Identity and Mission - which he has presided for the last 10 years. He was thanked by the President and the Board for his great service to the university sector of the Society. On the eve of the meeting, as usual, the commission chairmen met with the president and the assistant delegate, an emotional farewell meeting for Fonfo Camacho.
The Board approved a study on young people, who represent a mission priority of the UNIJES 2012-25 strategic plan, to be carried out by a multidisciplinary and intercenter team. It is worth mentioning the review of the progress of the 30 peer and working groups of the network, in which more than 200 people from the different centers participate, which are a clear demonstration of the inter-university collaborative work. Another point that deserved the Board's attention was the work being developed in the creation of "safe university environments" and the promotion of good treatment on the campuses. Time was also devoted to preparations for the First Jordan International Congress (Madrid, June 5-7, 2024) on "The Abuse of Power in the Church," a project in which academics and experts from the various Jesuit universities are participating.
After the working meeting, the members of the UNIJES board had the opportunity to visit the new facilities of Loyola University, inaugurated last September, which house, among other spaces, the Advanced Clinical Simulation Center, a powerful and multipurpose facility that allows both students in training and practicing professionals, the training of specific techniques in the field of health, from the most basic to the most advanced. Thus, it has multidisciplinary spaces among which are consultations, skills rooms, operating room, ICU and ward room, and several laboratories equipped with the latest technologies such as the Anatomy Laboratory, the Histology and Pathology Laboratory, the Biotechnology Laboratory, the Physiology and Biophysics Laboratory, or the Biomechanics Laboratory.