Kircher Network

Who we are

We are a network of higher education institutions linked to the Society of Jesus in Europe and the Near East. Our institutions aim to offer a different type of education. An integral formation of the individual based on the Ignatian charism that promotes four dimensions of:utilitas, humanitas, iustitia,and most importantly, fides.


Mission & Purpose

The purpose of the Kircher Network is to strengthen the sense of shared apostolic mission among its member Jesuit institutions in all aspects of academic life.

  1. Teaching, through exchanges of staff and students, and the development of shared programmes;
  2. Research, through collaboration in areas of particular relevance to the Society’s apostolic preferences, such as forced migration, ecology, the relief of poverty, interreligious dialogue, and Ignatian studies;
  3. Life according to the Ignatian charism, through making available to students and staff the resources of Ignatian spirituality for inspiration, hope, constructive reflection, and pedagogical practice;
  4. Administration, through the creative pooling of resources, and through sharing experience of good practice, notably as regards collaboration between Jesuits and their apostolic partners;
  5. In association with the Society of Jesus by promoting fruitful connections with Jesuit superiors, and with the other Jesuit services within the Church of Christ’s mission – notably centres for social reflection and cultural reviews.

In short the aim is a new and deeper mutual exchange of gifts of the kind that St Ignatius evokes at the end of his Spiritual Exercises.





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