Mission and Purpose

We are a network of 30 universities entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America. Our mission is to develop common projects in accordance with our strategic priorities, and in order to seek a greater contribution of higher education institutions to their societies.

We work with the support of 13 Networks and Working Groups: communities of academics, professionals and authorities from member universities, which voluntarily participate in the materialization of common projects aimed at improving student training and growth in the region. The counterparts work in coordination with the Executive Secretariat of the AUSJAL Network and with the institutional support of their respective universities. They are the driving force behind the projects and initiatives carried out by the Association around the continent.

AUSJAL is part of a worldwide network of more than 200 Jesuit universities, with presence in the five continents. The work of the AUSJAL Network looks beyond the university border to seek a greater and better contribution of universities to their societies.




Latin American Ignatian University Leadership Program

Virtual Dual Immersion Program

Regional Diploma in Human Rights of AUSJAL-IIDH

Course on Poverty and Inequality of Opportunity: the Latin American Perspective

Diploma: Advocacy from the perspective of international cooperation

Human Rights and Integral Ecology Program

AUSJAL Peer Networks and Working Groups

AUSJAL Peer Networks and Working Groups are made up of teams of professionals, teachers and researchers from partner universities, who work in common and complementary work areas, communicate with each other and are based on AUSJAL's common identity and objectives. They work with the support of the Executive Secretariat and the institutional support of their respective universities and have been the driving force behind the projects and plans carried out by AUSJAL around the continent.


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