Jesuit Universities in Central America Committed to the Inspiring Paradigm of Jesuit Entrepreneurial Education

Jesuit Universities in Central America Committed to the Inspiring Paradigm of Jesuit Entrepreneurial Education

Durante la primera semana de diciembre, tuvo lugar el X Encuentro de las Facultades de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de las Universidades Jesuitas de Centroamérica con ESADE; siendo sede del mismo en esta ocasión, la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas de El Salvador (UCA)

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AUSJAL Presents its New Board of Directors 2023-2025

AUSJAL Presents its New Board of Directors 2023-2025

The Association of Jesuit Universities in Latin America and the Caribbean (AUSJAL) took great pride in introducing its newly appointed Board of Directors for the term 2023-2025.

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The Role of PUAM and AUSJAL in the UN Water Conference 2023

The Role of PUAM and AUSJAL in the UN Water Conference 2023

Held from March 22 to 24 at the United Nations headquarters (New York), the Water 2023 Conference sought to generate commitments from UN Member States and other stakeholders through proposals and solutions to advance the Water Action Agenda as a way to achieve the sixth goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Clean Water and Sanitation.

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The Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico celebrated its 80th anniversary

The Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico celebrated its 80th anniversary

The Great Celebration for the 80th Anniversary of our IBERO was full of emotion and ovations, with a community very happy to gather around this significant commemoration, to the rhythm of a Symphony Orchestra of Minería that, at different times, brought the audience to their feet in the esplanade of the Iberoamericana, to burst into long periods of applause

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