
Inspired by the spirit of collaboration and networking, the Kircher Network proposed to the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) to develop a common project on “Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education”. The IAJU Board approved the proposal, and the project is going to be carried out by the six regional networks of Jesuit higher education (AJCU, AUSJAL, AJCU-AM; AJCU-AP, JHEASA and the Kircher Network).


The project is one of the initiatives of the first action priority of the Operational Plan of the Kircher Network (2019-2020). The priority seeks to promote academic collaboration among the Kircher institutions (Ad Intra) and with other Jesuit higher education networks (Ad Extra).


The “Best Practices in Jesuit HighEd Project” will be common service platform that will combine the publication of an Online Quarterly Newsletter on best practices and know-how on Jesuit higher education, with the organization of Webinars with the authors of the articles. The webinars will be open to all faculty and professionals of Jesuit higher education institutions around the world. The online letters and recoded webinars will be displayed in the “Best Practices” blog of this website, as well as on the webpages of IAJU and the other regional networks.


The Online Quarterly + Webinars will focus on themes and management areas that are key for the Ignatian identity and mission of universities and faculties, as well as for the good management of the institutions.


The first issues of the Online Letter + Webinars will focus on good practices on Pedagogical Innovation and Ignatian Pedagogy in Jesuit Higher Education Institutions around the world. Future issues will focus on other relevant topics for the mission and the management of Jesuit universities and faculties.


The first stage of the project will be a two-year pilot experience, which will be coordinated by the Kircher Network. A global IAJU Steering Committee has been established for the general coordination of the initiative. The committee is integrated by representatives from IAJU, AJCU, AUSJAL, AJCU-AM; AJCU-AP, JHEASA, Kircher Network and UNIJES. Given the spirit of collaboration, a delegate from Educate Magis has been invited to the committee. The Steering Committee met last June 11th and is preparing the next steps of the project.


The project will be officially launched this Fall, through a global webinar. The first issue of the Quarterly Online letter + Webinar is expected to be published this Fall.


In collaboration with other associations, the Kircher Network is currently identifying and developing a directory of faculty members and professional staffs working on pedagogical innovation and Ignatian Pedagogy in its member institutions. A Kircher network of peers on pedagogical innovation and Ignatian Pedagogy is expected to be established as a part of the project.


If you are faculty or a staff member of a Jesuit higher education institution and are interested in participating in this exciting global project, you can contact us.