IAJES Collaborative Challenge

IAJES Collaborative Challenge

One of the goals of IAJES agreed in the meeting at Cali, Colombia in 2019 is to encourage the collaboration and learning among students at Jesuit universities. To do so, a working group was created with the goal of proposing student projects aimed to promote collaborative work and learning among them.

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Jesuit Business Education Taskforce Focuses on Three Initiatives

Jesuit Business Education Taskforce Focuses on Three Initiatives

The important work on the Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education (IP) continues apace, led by a steering committee appointed by the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU). Launched in 2019, this effort led to the publication of the IP in 2020, followed by efforts to promote the IP among Jesuit business educators and business schools across the globe.

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IAJES Infrastructure Task Force

IAJES Infrastructure Task Force

The infrastructure task force was created in the IAJES meeting at Cali, Colombia in 2019 along with the other task forces. Its goal is to facilitate the execution of projects related to the development of the infrastructure needed to improve the quality of living.

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New Edition of Healing Earth

New Edition of Healing Earth

Developed by the School of Environmental Sustainability at Loyola University Chicago, Healing Earth is a free-access, online textbook which addresses the urgent, vexing environmental issues of our time.

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The European Leadership Programme

The European Leadership Programme

The European Leadership Programme (ELP) is a holistic leadership formation offered by the Jesuit European Social Center in Brussels. It started in 2019 as an answer to the UAP journeying with the youth; offering guidance to young people during the transition between the academia and labour market.

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Silbatazo inicial de los Juegos Deportivos INTERSUJ en la Ibero Puebla

Silbatazo inicial de los Juegos Deportivos INTERSUJ en la Ibero Puebla

Vuelven a poblarse las gradas de la IBERO Puebla. Los Juegos Deportivos INTERSUJ 2022 regresaron luego de dos años de una angustia coronavírica que ha quedado despejada entre cánticos, aplausos y una hermandad compartida que encuentra en el deporte un pretexto para volver a convivir.

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Task Force on Research and Academic Cooperation. Mentoring Project.

Task Force on Research and Academic Cooperation. Mentoring Project.

The youngest task force of IAJES is the Research and Academic Cooperation Task Force. It began to be active with the elaboration of 3 projects proposed to the participants of a webinar on May 11, 2021, with the idea of fostering cooperation within the network

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IAJU 2022 Assembly: Regional Association Reports

IAJU 2022 Assembly: Regional Association Reports

The 2022 IAJU Assembly culminated in regional association meetings to discuss accomplishments, challenges, and future proposals both for the regions and IAJU as a whole. All Assembly participants then gathered together in a final plenary session to report out on the regional meetings.

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Asamblea IAJU 2022: Informes de las asociaciones regionales

Asamblea IAJU 2022: Informes de las asociaciones regionales

La Asamblea de la IAJU de 2022 culminó con las reuniones de las asociaciones regionales para debatir los logros, los retos y las propuestas futuras tanto para las regiones como para la IAJU en su conjunto.

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IAJU Anuncia los ganadores del Festival de cine Four Dreams

IAJU Anuncia los ganadores del Festival de cine Four Dreams

En 2021, la IAJU lanzó el Concurso de Cine "Four Dreams" en colaboración con la Curia Jesuita, con motivo de la celebración del Año Ignaciano. Los estudiantes de las instituciones de educación superior de los jesuitas de todo el mundo fueron llamados a presentar vídeos que encarnaran las cuatro Preferencias Apostólicas Universales (PAU)

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First Meeting of the IAJU Committee on Ignatian Leadership Formation

First Meeting of the IAJU Committee on Ignatian Leadership Formation

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