An Interdisciplinary Group on Religion, Spirituality, and Secularization

An Interdisciplinary Group on Religion, Spirituality, and Secularization

New conceptualizations such as "post-secularism" or "multiple secularities" have appeared in the academy, seeking to provide new approaches to understanding phenomena as diverse as the withdrawal of religion from the public sphere, the privatization of religion, the emergence of new forms of spirituality, fundamentalist violence, the emergence of more charismatic ways of experiencing religion, the decline in the communitarian and institutional practice or religious affiliation.

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IAJES in North America

IAJES in North America

Faculty members from North American Universities are active participants in the task forces in the International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools(IAJES). Four of the task forces are led by faculty from North America including Gail Baura from Loyola University Chicago, Allan Baez Morales from Santa Clara University, Aleksandar Zecevic from Santa Clara University and Bryan Ranger from Boston College who heads the Healthcare task force.

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Challenges and Risks of Jesuit University Networks

Challenges and Risks of Jesuit University Networks

In the previous article, “A View on Jesuit University Networks”, we took a look at the context in which Jesuit university networks have developed in recent decades. We also asked about the usefulness of such networks and the circumstances in which their creation is desirable, and presented some answers.

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A Vision on Higher Ed Jesuit Networks

A Vision on Higher Ed Jesuit Networks

“From poetry to prose: Challenges to make networks work. The University Case” is the title of my talk that I had the honour of giving to the Jesuits of UNIJES during their annual meeting last March 2023.

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A Catholic Universities Strategic Alliance at the Service of the Common Good

A Catholic Universities Strategic Alliance at the Service of the Common Good

The Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities (SACRU) is a collaborative effort among some of the world's most prestigious Catholic research universities, is a network dedicated to teaching and research excellence, engagement and global collaboration informed by Catholic Social Teaching.

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The IAJBS World Forum and the Advances of the Inspirational Paradigm

The IAJBS World Forum and the Advances of the Inspirational Paradigm

In early July the International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS) World Forum took place at Loyola University in Sevilla.

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Empowering Leaders Across Asia

Empowering Leaders Across Asia

In the last few months, the Discerning Leadership Program was offered to over 100 leaders from various countries across Asia. The program had two formations in Bangalore, India, for 70 religious leaders, among whom there were 38 men and 32 women from India and Nepal.

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Task Force sobre Reconciliación y Paz: Las funciones universitarias al servicio de la sanación de un mundo herido

Task Force sobre Reconciliación y Paz: Las funciones universitarias al servicio de la sanación de un mundo herido

Llegamos a Boston con los objetivos de seguir avanzando en la clarificación de la misión de reconciliación, fomentar el compromiso desde las universidades e invitar a la articulación de recursos a través del trabajo en red.

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IAJU Anuncia los ganadores del Festival de cine Four Dreams

IAJU Anuncia los ganadores del Festival de cine Four Dreams

En 2021, la IAJU lanzó el Concurso de Cine "Four Dreams" en colaboración con la Curia Jesuita, con motivo de la celebración del Año Ignaciano. Los estudiantes de las instituciones de educación superior de los jesuitas de todo el mundo fueron llamados a presentar vídeos que encarnaran las cuatro Preferencias Apostólicas Universales (PAU)

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An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education

An Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education

The IAJU Task Force on Jesuit Business Education is one of two new Task Forces that have emerged since the 2018 IAJU Assembly at the University of Deusto. On Friday, August 5, Rev. Nicky Santos, S.J. of Creighton University (USA), presented the background, work and future directions of the Task Force to the 2022 IAJU Assembly.

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IAJU 2022 Assembly

IAJU 2022 Assembly

El pasado miércoles 3 de agosto, la Asamblea de la Asociación Internacional de Universidades Jesuitas (IAJU) 2022 comenzó oficialmente con una misa inaugural celebrada por el Cardenal Seán Patrick O'Malley, Arzobispo de Boston, en la Iglesia de San Ignacio.

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IAJU 2022 Assembly: Task Force on Global Citizenship

IAJU 2022 Assembly: Task Force on Global Citizenship

During the 2021-22 academic year, 31 students from 19 universities in 16 countries explored this question through the IAJU Global Citizenship Fellows Program.

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