Environmental Justice Transdisciplinary Conference “Making Hope Possible” & Emerging Jesuit Eco-Scholars Summit 2024

Environmental Justice Transdisciplinary Conference “Making Hope Possible” & Emerging Jesuit Eco-Scholars Summit 2024

We're excited to announce the "Making Hope Possible" conference, hosted by the Lassalle-Institut, Switzerland, from August 25-29, 2024. This event brings together engaged scholars and reflective practitioners to address climate change, biodiversity loss, and global injustice through transdisciplinary collaboration.

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Ateneo Hosts AJCU-AP Leaders in Baguio City Meeting

Ateneo Hosts AJCU-AP Leaders in Baguio City Meeting

The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP) convened from 27 – 30 August 2023 at the Mirador Jesuit Villa and Retreat House, Baguio City, Philippines, for the AJCU-AP Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) Meeting 2023.

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First IAJES Meeting for the Asia Pacific Region

First IAJES Meeting for the Asia Pacific Region

The International Association of Jesuit Engineering Schools (IAJES), a global leader in fostering a new generation of engineers and scientists rooted in the Jesuit mission, announces its inaugural Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on November 10-11, 2023.

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Loyola’s 2023 Climate Change Conference

Loyola’s 2023 Climate Change Conference

On March 16, 2023, Loyola Chicago’s annual Climate Change Conference examined how climate change impacts global human migration. Nearly 300 people gathered on campus for the event, and almost 400 tuned in virtually. Steve Bynum of Chicago Public Media served as the moderator.

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An Agreement to Leverage the Strength of Each School

An Agreement to Leverage the Strength of Each School

The University of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York, have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate in ways that leverage academic strengths, faculty expertise, resources and technology of each institution to enhance further the quality and breadth of programs offered to students.

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IAJU announces “Four Dreams” film festival winners

IAJU announces “Four Dreams” film festival winners

In 2021, IAJU launched the Four Dreams Film Contest in collaboration with the Jesuit Curia in Rome to celebrate the Ignatian Year. Students at Jesuit higher education institutions around the world were called to submit videos embodying the four Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs)

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Convertirse en una “Universidad Laudato Si’ , IAJU 2022 Assembley

Convertirse en una “Universidad Laudato Si’ , IAJU 2022 Assembley

La encíclica sobre el medio ambiente del Papa Francisco, Laudato Si', nos llama a todos a tomar medidas concretas para cuidar nuestra casa común. Esto avivó el compromiso de la Compañía de Jesús con la justicia ambiental y la sostenibilidad, que fue un punto clave durante la reunión de Presidentes de colegios y universidades jesuitas de todo el mundo, en Ciudad de México en 2010.

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Becoming a “Laudato Si’ University : Task Force on Environmental & Economic Justice

Becoming a “Laudato Si’ University : Task Force on Environmental & Economic Justice

Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical, Laudato Si’, called all of us to take concrete steps to care for our common home. This enlivened the Society of Jesus’ commitment to environmental justice and sustainability, which was a key focus during the 2010 Mexico City meeting of Jesuit college and university presidents from across the world.

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The Role of Theology in Today’s Jesuit University

The Role of Theology in Today’s Jesuit University

What is the role of theology in today’s Jesuit university? The newly-formed IAJU Task Force on Theology in the Jesuit University explored this question in a new thought paper presented at the 2022 IAJU Assembly.

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